Saturday 15 March 2014

Reaction to Naturally the Foundation will Bear your Expenses

The persona in the poem is very dislike able and we get the impression that the poem is a satire to academics, possibly the ones that Larkin himself had met in the University Library. The persona seems to brag about the universities his been around the world to lecture at in the first stanza. 
In the second and third stanza we see the persona heavily criticising Remembrance Day, calling it 'wreath-rubbish' and 'mawkish', all because he was being held up by it and making him late for his plane. We get from this poem that the persona is very self centred, especially through his vicious attack on the day, and also in the last stanza, through his name dropping of the 'great Professor Lal/(He once met Morgan Forster)'. 

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