Friday 7 March 2014

Reaction to Ambulances

'closed like confessionals, they thread' - by confessionals you could infer saving your soul from hell could be the ambulance/paramedic is saving the person from death and the word 'thread' could mean that the persons life is hanging by a thread, dependant on the ambulance coming to save them from death. In stanza 3 the line 'that lies under all we do' could be the persona realising that much like the person needing an ambulance, we are all vulnerable, it could be any one of us and death could take us at any time and ultimately there is nothing we can do to prevent it. 'so permanent and blank and true' could be referring to the reality of existence but also to death, the fact that it is inevitable to everyone and most perceptions of death is that it's permanent and that when we die there is nothing, death is the end of everything.

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