Friday 7 March 2014

Reaction to Faith Healing

In the poem, we get the impression that these women are lonely, they lack kindness in their lives and they need love and support. Because of the lack of this, it makes the women vulnerable, and the faith healer is exploiting them because they are weak and naive. They cannot see that he is just an act and even though the women's faith in him is genuine, sadly he is not. His entourage herd the women on to the stage, and when they meet him, 'each dwells some twenty seconds' before being pushed aside and disregarded - it could be a link to what has happened to them in their lives. 
'A sense of life lived according to love' is not only referring to the women and how they want to feel again after a life of neglect, but the persona also suggests that this is everyone's ideal - that we all want to be loved continuously throughout our lives. 

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