Saturday, 19 April 2014


We see the persona idealise Dylan, and he seems to 'unveil his eyeless staring head' suggests an unnatural look to Dylan and sounds like he may be dead. We can infer from this that the persona is imagining Dylan, because he is actually dead. The persona says 'A heard silence' which is an oxymoron so this could show the personas mixed emotions at seeing Dylan, that he is excited he's seen him but deep down he knows its not real. 

Dylan's life is described as having 'slipped from a cupped hand'. This could suggest that the persona feels that Dylan's life slipped from his hands and you can further infer that the persona feels that Dylan shouldn't have died so young. We get the impression that the persona feels fame was to blame for the death of Dylan through the personification of it in the line 'Dilly, Dilly come and be killed'.

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